About InnArchive

About us

Who, What & Why

Years ago the magazine HOTELS termed global hoteliers as men and women having work experience on 3 continents. As readers we were in awe of these greats, whose knowledge and experience must have been phenomenal. Such wealth in knowledge, so rich in experience and so venerable, we - a younger generation trying to make their bones in the hospitality industry - revered them all.

These pioneers have mostly retired, their knowledge shared with only a few lucky ones. Valuable notes are left in boxes hidden in atticks or thrown away deemed useless and outdated.

Hence the decision to share and share alike. When visiting InnArchive readers will find lots of documents which hold as true today as they did 30 years ago. The principles on which our industry is founded has not changed much, and if it is genuine care and comfort you seek to provide you will hopefully find some guidance in these pages.

Following years of travel it is clear that the foundation on which most big hotel chains, and succesfull smaller operations, are build is basically the same; a good set of policies and procedures to guide employees. Sadly the boom in our industry has taken its toll on training and guiding employees in middle and upper management and most employees in those categories are left to find things out for themselves. So when they need to write a policy or come up with a business plan they have to search for information elsewhere.

The internet is a tremendous tool to share worldwide and InnArchive's aim is simply to connect and help young hoteliers and seasoned professionals to provide better service and essentially running better operations.


Browse at will and use wisely

All the documents provided here originated of course somewhere. Every effort has been made to remove and protect the source so as not to compromise any individual or institution. Most files are protected allowing the reader to read only, thereby making it as if the reader is invited to go through all the material to read and not blindly copy and paste or simply print and implement.

Some of the material is academic, whereas most of it was used at some point and with great success. If the material is not to your liking, so be it, perhaps you can let us know and maybe we have something different for you. Some sections still need to be completed, a listing of documents to come has been provided but it will take some time to complete and upload all. That's just the way it is.
Hospitality Resource Guide
Something else

InnArchive.co = InnArchive.com

So here's the thing. Due to work pressure we let the domain name registration for InnArchive.com lapse and to re-register the name had suddenly become extremely expensive. InnArchive.com is now a premium brand, with a hefty pricetag. Considering that this is a hobby, a decision was made to seek a variation of the name, at a substantially lesser cost.

It would take too much time to rework all the documents, simply to drop the M of the .com part ... so some documents will live on as InnArchive.com files, whereas newer items have been branded accordingly.

So there you have it: InnArchive.co = InnArchive.com and vice versa
Hotel Standard Operating Procedures

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